At ERS International Congress 2023, Air Liquide Healthcare confirms its commitment to personalizing care for better patient outcomes
Published on September 07, 2023
3 minutes

Because physicians are a fundamental pillar to working efficiently on what really matters to patients, they will be invited to discover a one-of-a-kind immersive exhibit at the ERS International Congress 2023. On the Air Liquide Healthcare booth, they will be able to experience three diseases “in the patient’s shoes” and exchange on how to improve patients' lives thanks to personalized care. In line with its Value-Based approach, Air Liquide Healthcare will also present its Sleep Apnea 360° care model driven by patient’s outcomes.
Working with healthcare professionals to focus on what really matters to patients
Air Liquide Healthcare booth at the Congress will feature an exhibit that will enable physicians to experience the therapy journey of 3 people with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) respectively. Tablets, VR headsets and videos help create an immersive patient experience. Physicians will discover step by step why and how Air Liquide Healthcare personalizes patient therapy support. Air Liquide Healthcare respiratory experts will also share their deep understanding of the burden of respiratory diseases, the major outcomes’ expected by patients and how they collaborate with caregivers to improve patients’ outcomes.
Sleep Apnea 360° Care model - a personalized support aiming to improve outcomes
Sleep Apnea 360° provides personalized support to patients and healthcare professionals, all along the way, from diagnosis to long term treatment of sleep apnea, including:
- Personalized therapy initiation based on an individual motivational interview, patient profile and preferences assessment and the provision of educational materials and medical devices adapted to each person;
- Personalized support plan on the long term with the measurement of clinical and patient reported outcomes (PROMs) and experience (PREMs) over time. The support is adjusted continuously to meet patients’ needs with a unique combination of human relationships and digital interactions.
This new care model is the result of listening to almost 50,000 patients around the world to understand their behaviors and their concerns with their chronic conditions and it has been designed with a strong focus on outcomes that matter to them and help address the challenge of adherence*.
Advocating for the implementation of Value-Based Healthcare principles in homecare
As a leading homecare service provider, Air Liquide Healthcare’s ambition is to accompany the Healthcare transformation by maximizing the outcomes that matter to patients, including quality of life and therapy experience at the best cost for the healthcare system. Thanks to more than 30 years of expertise in taking care of patients at home, Air Liquide Healthcare supports and empowers 1.9 million people living with chronic diseases all along their care pathway, measures the outcomes that matter to them and adapts the care with the objective of better health results.
Dolores Paredes, Vice-President Markets, Strategy and Innovation at Air Liquide Healthcare, comments:
* Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the standard treatment option whose benefits are directly linked to the level of adherence. However, its effectiveness is still limited by poor acceptance and adherence: 8 to 15% of patients with OSA refuse CPAP treatment after the first night and at least 50% of individuals discontinue its usage within 1 year (Rotenberg et al., 2016; Borker et al., 2021; Contal et al., 2021)
In the patients’ shoes
Air Liquide Healthcare at ERS 2023 International Congress, Milan, BOOTH G02
Immersive experience of 3 people with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) respectively
Press release
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